Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sandy in Malaysia

So just arrived home after a Wonderful WONDERFUL~ trip to KL.. IN THE RAIN!! demmit.. it's been days.. everyday rain is pouring down =,=" i needed to go to KL for something.. and i thought.. why not go today?? maybe you can go in the morning before it starts to rain.. fyi.. it always rains from the afternoon until midnight.. it's really irritating.. i couldn't get things done.. aiyaaa~

So i decided to go to KL TODAY.. it hasn't rain yet.. so i guess i was safe =)) but to bad.. when i arrived in Mid Valley, it started to pour like hell.. it was not typical rain.. i mean.. i really pours.. i couldn't even keep my bike on a straight line because the wind draft was too strong =,="

And genius me go and got my visor deigned . so i can't keep my visor closed because if i did that then i couldn't see anything.. literally.. i could see nothing.. so i had to keep it up.. and my face.. GOD.. feels like it is being poked by thousands and thousands of needles.. my face was going numb.. so i could only go for about 30km/h.. if i went any faster, i think my face would rip apart =,= i got in KL around 1:50 p.m. got what i needed.. and i went back.. arrived home at around 3.45 p.m. 2 hour ride demmit.. in the damn rain =,=" it felt like i was going through sunway lagoon.. haish.. well.. WONDERFUL experience i might say.. can't wait to do it again =,="

there was actually a big hotel near the 2nd lamp post.. but you wont even noticed it is there

the gutters became waterfall

the other side was banjir already

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kyle Comeback =)

Assalamualaikum.. So haii! =) this is to those who read my blog.. i don't think i have any now since i didnt write for a long time.. so yeah.. =,=" helloooo~ spider webs~ but i feel like i need to write something tonight.. 1. coz i didnt write for too long~ 2. coz i feel like i've been taken back a few years.. YUP~! just finished downloading.. watching.. the very first episode of Kyle XY.. really cool show.. i think of it as THE show of that time.. really loved it..

It's a shame that it was cancelled after season 3.. T~T although i didn't watch season 3 yet, (been years now) but i don't wan't to face the facts that the show has ended.. ='( it was a really cool show.. DAMMIT ABC!! but yeah.. nothing we can do now..

The show really has a "motivation feel" if you watched it.. it has really good values =) seriously.. coz i cried in some episodes last time.. =,=" anybody who haven,t watched it should watch it.. but certain people who think they're to mature should leave it alone =)

One thing that kept me hooked was this girl; Amanda (Kristen Prout). she was really cute.. i mean.. Damn.. she was.. i dunno.. when you see her you automatically goes into "Blank Mode".. she was reallllly pretty (okay don't want to say to much.. somebody might be angry =,=") but yeah.. the chemistry between kyle and her kept me hooked on the show.. but then something else happens.. (SPOILERS~) =P

This is Amanda =DD

amamamama =,="

I really loved the cool "flick" on the tip of her hair.. really like it when girls do this =DD *pay attention you~

My favourite song from this show was "she could be you" by shawn hlookoff.. the lyrics is still stucked in my head since i been playing it over and over last time.. really brings back memories.. So that's why i wrote this.. so there =))

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rahmat dan barakah

Well it seems that im starting to write again.. after a long moment of silence.. well nobody knows im gone anyways right?? ehem2~!! so to start of, i just want to point out that i have been having some how you say~ "musibah" dalam penghujung sem di UiTM.. maybe ni balasan dari Allah untuk sepanjang masa sem3 yg ak bazirkan dengan dunia dan pleasure.. mcm2 yg jadi.. plg critical is Final paper takleh buat.. most of them x leh buat.. tp ak blaja kot? (kata ak kat tuhan) belaja ke?? (mungkin kata tuhan kat ak) if so kamu belajar, adakah kamu mendapat berkat dari aku?? adakah kamu pernah bersyukur dengan segala nikmat yg pernah aku berikan? hmm.. bila fikir balik.. it all makes sense~ kita ni sebagai manusai, well xtau la if everybody does it or not kan? tapi kita ni, bila nak mintak tlg kita akan ckp elok2.. guna ayt manis2.. tp bila xdpt bnd yg kita nak then kita akan marah2 org yg kita mintak tolong tu.. ada ke pulak mara~ bukan kita nak pujuk dia elok2.. kn? hmm.. lagi satu.. bila kita da dlm musibah je baru kita nak ari sejadah.. time senang? cari kejadah =,=" well.. biarkan je laa musibah2 yang kita lalui menjadi ikhtibar dan membutkan kita sedar tentang kesilapan kita.. kembali lah kepada Allah tak kira susah atau senang =)