Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kyle Comeback =)

Assalamualaikum.. So haii! =) this is to those who read my blog.. i don't think i have any now since i didnt write for a long time.. so yeah.. =,=" helloooo~ spider webs~ but i feel like i need to write something tonight.. 1. coz i didnt write for too long~ 2. coz i feel like i've been taken back a few years.. YUP~! just finished downloading.. watching.. the very first episode of Kyle XY.. really cool show.. i think of it as THE show of that time.. really loved it..

It's a shame that it was cancelled after season 3.. T~T although i didn't watch season 3 yet, (been years now) but i don't wan't to face the facts that the show has ended.. ='( it was a really cool show.. DAMMIT ABC!! but yeah.. nothing we can do now..

The show really has a "motivation feel" if you watched it.. it has really good values =) seriously.. coz i cried in some episodes last time.. =,=" anybody who haven,t watched it should watch it.. but certain people who think they're to mature should leave it alone =)

One thing that kept me hooked was this girl; Amanda (Kristen Prout). she was really cute.. i mean.. Damn.. she was.. i dunno.. when you see her you automatically goes into "Blank Mode".. she was reallllly pretty (okay don't want to say to much.. somebody might be angry =,=") but yeah.. the chemistry between kyle and her kept me hooked on the show.. but then something else happens.. (SPOILERS~) =P

This is Amanda =DD

amamamama =,="

I really loved the cool "flick" on the tip of her hair.. really like it when girls do this =DD *pay attention you~

My favourite song from this show was "she could be you" by shawn hlookoff.. the lyrics is still stucked in my head since i been playing it over and over last time.. really brings back memories.. So that's why i wrote this.. so there =))